
This page defines the terms that we use throughout the CloudTables interface:

Name Description
Access token A token that is safe to use in a public facing interface (e.g. a <script> tag) to allow access to a data set's table / form. The access token is retrieved via the API based on an API Key.
API Key A secret key (i.e. don't make it publicly visible, it should be used in your application's server's only) which allows access to the CloudTables API. Each key has roles assigned to it which define its access rights.
Application The CloudTables configuration interface. Each application has its own sub-domain, which multiple users able to login to it. Consider an application similar to a database which can contain multiple data sets.
Client Some one who can access the generated tables and forms. We use the term client here to separate from users who can access the CloudTables configuration interface.
Data point An individual piece of data in a data set. A data point has a data type and can be optionally shown on in the table as a column and in the form as an input field.
Data set A collection of data points, which can be represented as a table, with a form used to edit the data of the set.
Inspector An inspector is shown for each configurable element in CloudTables, providing detailed information and options for that element alone. It is shown on the right hand side of pages which utilize the inspector.
Link A link is a connection between two different data sets (i.e. a "JOIN" in SQL). Links allow data from one data set to be displayed and used in another.
Role A role is a security context - roles are assigned to API Keys and define what access rights a person using that key has. Each role can have permissions set on a data set or data point level, allowing a fine level of granularity.
Table control A "widget" that will control the table's display in some way. A control can be the paging input, information text or buttons, among other options. The control is positioned above or below the table.
User A person who has access to the application via a login. This is different from a client which is someone who has access to the interface created by the CloudTables application.

Come across any other terms in CloudTables or our documentation which are confusing? Let us know!