Joomla! plugin

Embedding CloudTables in your Joomla! site is made easy through our plug-in for Joomla!


The CloudTables plug-in for Joomla! is available for direct download and install:

  1. In Joomla! go to Extensions -> Manage -> Install
  2. Select Install from URL
  3. Enter:

Then complete the install by clicking Check and Install.

Once installed click the Extensions -> Plugins and find the CloudTables - Content and Configuration plugin. Clicking on it, will show the options that you need to fill in so the plug-in can securely connect to your CloudTables application:

  1. Editor API Key: This is the API Key that will be used for users on your site who have editing permissions. Typically you would use an API key which has read and write access for this field. Your API Key's can be found on the security pages.
  2. Visitor API Key: The API Key that will be used for users on your site who do not have editing permissions (normally visitors to your site who have not logged in). Typically this would be a key which has read access only.
  3. Self hosting host name: if you are using a self hosted install of CloudTables, enter the IP address or host name for the server here.
  4. Sub-domain: Not used when integrated with self hosted servers.

Click "Save" at the top of the page to save. The plug-in will then connect to the CloudTables server.


When the CloudTables plug-in for Joomla! is installed, you'll be able to embed tables directly into your Joomla! pages and posts using an editor button, or through the use of a short code if you prefer.


When editing a page's content in Joomla! you will see a new CloudTables button in your editor (it might be above or below depending on which editor you are using). Clicking this button will show a list of the CloudTables you can embed into the page. Select one and it will insert a short code (see below) into the editor to represent the CloudTable.

Save and view your page - you will see your CloudTable displayed!

Short codes

You can also embed CloudTables by typing a short code into the editor. The format to use is::

{cloudtable id="datasetId" key="optionalApiKey"}


  • datasetId is the ID of the data set you want to show. The data set ID can be found on the "Data" tab of the data set in question, or in the list of data sets you have access to in the CloudTables settings.
  • optionalApiKey is an optional parameter - normally you could leave this off. It is provided as a way to specify a particular API key if you wish to embed this table with specific access rights, rather than the global keys given in the settings page.