Road map

We have an ambitious set of features planned for CloudTables and want to share our plans with you, as well as asking for your feedback on what would make CloudTables more compelling as a product and easier to use. Get in touch with any thoughts you have about our road map, even if you just want to chime in with which features you would like to see prioritized. Then we can let you know when they are available.

Recently implemented

Near term

This is a list of features we are working on at the moment or intend to ship in the near term.

Large data sets

Our data architecture allows for large data sets (millions of records), and we intend to expose that ability so you don't need to worry about hitting any artificial limits. We are keen for this to be a seamless experience for both you, the developers using CloudTables, and for the end user.

File upload feature

We feel this is a key missing input type at the moment. When available you will be able to configure an input field that accepts one or more files for upload (with validation for the file type - e.g. limiting to images). You will also be able to present download and view options for the files in the display table.

Longer term

The above discusses our immediate priorities, but we also have a long term vision of how CloudTables should evolve.

Webhooks / events

You might wish to have a notification whenever an edit is performed on data set - webhooks will provide exactly that capability. Set an end point (http) and you will receive a request with information about the action performed, letting you automate other actions (e.g. an e-mail notification or data refresh for a static page).

Calendar view

The table view we use is rich in features thanks to DataTables, but a table view isn't right for every data set. For time series data, you might wish to display the read / write interface to your end user as a calendar. With this ability in CloudTables, displaying a calendar will be as simple and configurable as it already is for a table.

Data roll back

CloudTables records an audit history so you can see what changes have been made and who by. We will expand this capability in future by adding the ability to undo a specific change, or to roll a record back to a specific version of its data.

On going

Of course, not everything about running CloudTables can be compartmentalized into in individual headings such as those above! As on going work we will be exposing more of the features that DataTables makes available, monitoring and improving performance of the application and general maintenance of the software.

As noted above, we are keen to work with you, so please do get in touch to discuss how CloudTables can work better for you.